2022 #12: End of season

Well, we made it to the end of our camping season. Columbus Day is pretty much the end of camping here in the Northeast. Most campgrounds close for the winter after the Columbus Day weekend. We spent 39 nights in our new Oliver trailer. We had plans for more, but Steph was diagnosed with a serious illness that cut into our camping this year, and will probably have some effect on our camping plans going forward. This season's camping was a mix of dry camping at state park and Corps of Engineers campgrounds (25 nights) and full hookup camping at commercial campgrounds (14 nights). The Oliver is an excellent RV for the type of dry camping we did, where the campgrounds had bathhouses we could use during the day. When using the trailer's bathroom only at night and for emergencies, and being judicious with water and toilet paper use, we never had to use our portable waste tote tank. We can easily go 6 nights without using the dump station, probably several more. As for electricity, ...