2023 #7: Garage 90% done, ?% paid for

Early last summer we committed to building a garage to store our Ollie. The original plan was a 3 bay garage with a center bay large enough for the Oliver, plus 2 additional bays large enough to hold our pickup truck and small car. Something like this: We wanted wood-framed instead of a steel building. We thought it would be a little better with heat/cold, and easier to modify in the future. Not to mention a little more residential-looking. Then we started getting prices. That 3 bay garage was going to be too much for our budget, and probably for our yard as well, so we scaled back to a 2 and a half bay garage to house the trailer, truck, and some work/storage space. Most of the work would be done by friends who were contractors, including the excavation/site prep, framing/roofing/siding, and electrical. We wanted to give work to people we know and we hoped to save a little money in exchange for a longer construction timeframe, since some of them would be working on this as a side job....