2024 #1: 1st Trip in Retirement

The best laid plans, etc., etc. We were planning a long spring trip to Florida and the Oliver rally but fate had other ideas. Even so, when a few nice days showed up on the forecast we decided to take a quick 6 day trip to Jim Thorpe, PA. It's a town we saw featured by some YouTubers we follow, and it's only 4 hours from home. The trip didn't start well at all. First time pulling out of our new garage and I forgot to fold up the trailer steps. They hit the wall next to the garage door and broke the framing. The bottom trailer step also bent and wouldn't fold. Panic time! Fortunately, our friend is a contractor. He came right over and said he'd repair the garage while we were gone. Great guy! As for the trailer, I was able to bend the step enough to get it to close, so the trip was still on with only an hour delay. We stayed at Hickory Run State Park, about half an hour from Jim Thorpe. The park has a large campground with everything from full hookup to no hookup ...