2023 #2: Memorial Day

Sometimes you find a campground that just fits the bill. Aces High RV Resort in East Lyme, CT has been that place for us for decades. There's really nothing special about the place itself. A nice campground, but nothing exotic. Large-ish sites, heated pool, a small river and pond.

We've been going there since they opened. The trees pictured above were freshly-planted saplings in a field back then. The location is pretty good. Close enough to visit the casinos or the shore, and there's a nice oceanfront boardwalk in town. They're open year-round, too (unusual in New England).

But the best thing about Aces High is the people. The owners are very nice and have treated us very well for a long time. And the other campers tend to be a bit more mature than you might find elsewhere. Well-behaved children, fewer barking dogs. Quiet at night. We've rarely experienced any campground drama at Aces.

What's the catch? It's not cheap. $95-$120 a night this year. So, we won't be spending weeks or months there in retirement. But I'm sure we'll still visit from time to time. It's like staying at a friend's house to us.

Here's the link if you're interested: https://aceshighrvpark.com/

(Aces High didn't sponsor this post. In fact, they have no idea I'm writing it. Just passing along a favorite spot.)


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